
Any question or suggestion? Anything you like to see added, or corrected? Has a price changed? You need another currency? Please send me a message!

15 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Do you have these prices going back in time? If so, then I would be really interested in the data for a project connecting iPhone prices with app store prices (I am a professor studying the digital economy). I left my email in the comment form so I hope to hear from you!

    • I am afraid that I can’t help much. We have the data from some years. We usually delete them eventually. What we still have is data back to 2016 – but then we don’t keep a clear track when what get’s updated. Apple also changes prices often when currencies fluctuate. Turkey is a good (or sad) example.

  2. The numbers for Canada are flat out wrong. Eg 15 Pro is $1449 CAD which is $1057.69 USD, only a $58.69 USD difference.

    • So sorry, totally overlooked your message. Just now we have the very very latest prices and they are up to date for now. Please also note that prices are not flat out wrong – they where correct at some point in time. It’s not an easy task to check all prices – so your message is very appreciated!

    • Japanese iPhones are usually sold without SIM lock, so yes, you can use it. If it fully works depends on the frequency 3G/LTE bands your provider uses. In most circumstances it should work somehow. Keep in mind that on Japanese phones, any phone, the camera shutter sound can not be lowered/muted/silenced/switched-off.


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